Thesis Title: Beckett's Spurned Inheritances: Joyce, Proust, Yeats, Blanchot
Supervisor: Professor Dirk Van Hulle and Professor David Dwan
Research Interests: Samuel Beckett; Virginia Woolf; James Joyce; Marcel Proust; W.B. Yeats; Maurice Blanchot; modernism and its contexts (historical, philosophical, political, etc.); Irish modernism; modernism and allusion; the history of the novel; literature and theory; genetic criticism; cinema and modernism; Elizabeth Bishop; John Banville; Djuna Barnes; Walter Benjamin; Elizabeth Bowen; Joseph Conrad; Seamus Heaney; Martin Heidegger; Wyndham Lewis; Eimear McBride; Flann O'Brien; Marcel Proust; Derek Walcott.
- Editor: Samuel Beckett’s “Mal vu mal dit” / “Ill Seen Ill Said”: A Digital Genetic Edition (Beckett Digital Manuscript Project), forthcoming 2025.
- ‘The Life of the Afterlife: Posthumous and Digital Publication’ in Unprinted: Publication Beyond the Press, ed. Dan Wakelin and Daria Kohler (Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 2024).
- ‘Exhausted Senses: Between the Eye and the Ear in ‘Long Observation of the Ray’ and ‘The Voice/Verbatim’’, Journal of Beckett Studies 31.2 (September 2022), pp. 169–187.
- ‘‘Parnellian Silences’ in Virginia Woolf’s The Years’, The Cambridge Quarterly 51.1 (March 2022), pp. 20–23.