Thesis: Suicide and the Modern Stage: Miller, Beckett, Kane
Supervisor: Professor Sos Eltis
Research Interests:
- Modern and contemporary literature
- Theatre and performance
- Dramaturgy and creative writing
- Medical humanities
- Philosophy and literature
- Australian literature
My research examines representations of suicide and suicidality in three influential plays staged after the Second World War: Arthur Miller’s Death of a Salesman (1949), Samuel Beckett’s Waiting for Godot (En attendant Godot, 1953), and Sarah Kane’s 4.48 Psychosis (2000). Through these case studies, I consider how dramatists have experimented with theatrical form to explore the ethics, aetiology, and experience of suicide. This project draws on ideas developed in several disciplines – suicidology, existential philosophy, the medical humanities – during the twentieth century. I suggest that theatre offers a physical and imaginative space for dialogue about a subject fraught with epistemic, aesthetic, and ethical challenges, and in doing so, I attempt to reposition dramatic art centre stage in studies of the suicidal act.