Unlocking the Exeter Book Conference

The Exeter Book or Exeter Anthology is a cornerstone of Old English poetry. From saints’ lives to wisdom poetry, lyrics and laments to riddles and prayers, this fascinating juxtaposition of genres, styles and themes invites constant re-reading and re-evaluation. The conference will bring together established scholars and new voices to bring fresh insights to this rich and enigmatic manuscript.

Dates: 16 - 17 April 2025

Venue: Faculty of English, St Cross Building, Manor Road, Oxford, OX1 3UL.

Registration is open until 26 March 2025. REGISTER NOW >>


Day One: 16 April 2025

09.15: Welcome

09.30–11.00: Session 1: Monastic Poetics

  1. Brian O’Camb (Indiana University Northwest), ‘The Old English Rhyming Poem, Widsith, and the Regius Psalter (London, BL, MS. Royal 2.B.V)’

  1. Eleni Ponirakis (University of Nottingham), ‘“When you walk through fire, you shall not burn, and the flames shall not set you afire”: A New Reading of the Exeter Book poem, Azarias

  1. Giovanni Nichetti (University of Bergamo), ‘At the Crossroads: Textual and Cultural Stratification in Precepts

11.00–11.30: Tea and cake break

11.30–13.00: Session 2: Manuscripts and Readers

  1. Jonathan Wilcox (University of Iowa), ‘Scribal Craft in the Exeter Book and the Twice-Scripted Riddle 30’

  1. Tom Birkett (University College Cork), ‘Riddle Solvers and Reformists: Marginalia and the Readers of the Exeter Book’

  1. Thomas A. Bredehoft (Chancery Hill Books), ‘Limp-Bound Booklets of Old English Poetry and the Exeter Book’

13.00–14.00: Lunch break

14.00–15.30: Session 3: Genre

  1. Mercedes Salvador-Bello (Universidad de Sevilla), ‘The Role of the Physiologus in the Exeter Book’

  1. Megan Cavell (University of Birmingham) and Jennifer Neville (Royal Holloway, University of London), ‘Riddling Despair in Lone Dweller (Riddle 5)’

  1. Richard North (UCL), ‘Elegies as Riddles in the Exeter Book’

15.30–15.45: Break

15.45–17.15: Session 4: Origins and Readership

  1. M. J. Toswell (University of Western Ontario), ‘The Exeter Book and the Book of Psalms’

  1. Alice Jorgensen (Trinity College Dublin), ‘The Exeter Book: Evidence for an “Emotional Community”’

  1. Dan Anlezark (University of Sydney), ‘The Fitt Divisions in the Christ poems and the Origins of the Exeter Anthology’

17.15–17.30: Break

17.30: Keynote: Elizabeth Tyler (University of York), ‘The Exeter Book: The Paradox of Old English between the Local and the Universal’

18.30: Drinks reception and Book Launch: Mercedes Salvador-Bello, “The History of the Physiologus in Early Medieval England”, SOEL 5 (Turnhout: Brepols, 2025) 

20.00: Conference Dinner


Day Two: 17 April

09.30–11.00: Session 5: Sequencing and Anthologising

  1. Rafał Borysławski (University of Silesia), ‘Is an Onion Like the Bible? Unlocking Possible Catenations of the Exeter Book Riddles’

  1. Ian Shiels (Leeds), ‘Vetustate consumptus et nullius valoris: The Exeter Book Anthologist and the Lost Poetry of Theoderic’

  1. Paul Cavill (University of Nottingham), ‘Piety and Poetry: three biblical poems in the Exeter Book, Alms-Giving, Pharaoh, and Lord’s Prayer I

11.00–11.30: Tea and cake break

11.30–13.00: Session 6: Landscapes and Ecology

  1. Ann Pascoe-van Zyl (TCD), ‘Landscape and the Mind in the Old English Elegies: What Does Place-Name Evidence Reveal?

  1. James Paz (University of Manchester), ‘Storm-Thoughts and Ice-Songs: A Creative-Critical Response to Exeter Book Eco-Poetry’

  1. Emma Hitchcock (Columbia University), ‘The Ocean, the Bird, and the Land: Subjectivity and Dispossession in the Exeter Lyrics’

13.00–14.00: Lunch break

14.00–15.30: Session 7: Biblical poetry

  1. Jasmine Jones (University of Oxford), ‘Exegesis of the Exeter Book: The Descent into Hell as Vernacular Theology’

  1. Gabrielle Cocco (University of Bergamo), ‘The Fall of Angels in Resignation A 49b–56: A pithy poetic theological insert on angelology’

  1. Francisco J. Rozano-García (Universidad de Leon), ‘From the Fire Unscathed: The Place of Azarias in the Old English Poetic Corpus’

15.30–16.00: Break

16.00–17.30: Session 8: The Art and Craft of Poetry

  1. John D. Niles (University of Wisconsin-Madison), ‘Craft Poetry, Exeter Style’

  1. Maryann Pierse (University of Aberdeen), ‘Divinely Inspired Poets in the Exeter Book and Beyond’

  1. Grace O’Duffy (University of Oxford), ‘I bind us together’: The Husband’s enchanted Message and Old Norse manrúnar

17.30: Close




Rachel Burns: Rachel.burns@ell.ox.ac.uk

Francis Leneghan: Francis.leneghan@ell.ox.ac.uk