Symposium: Nineteen Eighty-Four Now

A black and white photograph of George Orwell reflected in colour and bearing the title "1984 Now" with a repeating background text of "2 plus 2 equals 5"


Eventbrite page: Book here


9.15 Greeting
9.20 Jean Seaton, ‘Orwell and Fear’
9.40 Joshua Dienstag, ‘Orwell’s Pessimism’

10.40-11.10 Coffee Break

11.10 Anna Vaninskaya, ‘Speaking Truth to Power: George Orwell and Victor Serge’
11.30 Dorian Lynskey, ‘Orwellspeak: How the Language of Nineteen Eighty-Four Infiltrated Politics and Journalism in the 1950s

12.30-1.30 Lunch

1.30 Joanna Kavenna, ‘How to Live in an Unreal Reality’: The Power of Fiction in a Post-Truth Age’

1.50 Victoria Bateman, ‘Speaking Naked Truth to Power’

2.40-3.10 Coffee Break

3.10 Nathan Waddell: ‘Oceania’s Dirt: Mess, Filth and Nausea in Nineteen Eighty-Four’
3.30 Greg Claeys, ‘Orwell for the Twenty-First Century’

4.20. Concluding Remarks