Dr Tom Revell


In the traditional sense of the term, I am a philologist of the early medieval English period: someone interested in the interaction between the development of the literature, language, and culture of Old English and early Middle English. I am especially interested in poetry and composition, and completed my doctoral research (supported by the AHRC) on the intertextuality of Old English hagiographic poetry. My research approaches combine literary close reading with corpus linguistics, and use contemporary contexts of the religion, language change, and literary and material culture as lenses for critical interpretation. I have previously worked as Research Assistant and Editor on the ERC-funded CLASP project. I am currently working on a number of projects applying an intertextual approach to Old English verse in different genres, and have publications forthcoming on generative AI and Old English poetry, and Portuguese translations of Beowulf.


My current teaching responsibilities are for Prelims Paper 1a (Introduction to English Language), Prelims Paper 2 (English 650-1350), Course II Paper 4 (History of the English Language to c. 1800). I have previously taught Course I Paper 2/Course II Paper 3 (English 1350-1550), as well as Course II Papers 1 (English 650-1100), 2 (Romance and Lyric) and 5 (The Material Text), as well as language classes for the Faculty. I also offer Undergraduate Paper 6 and Masters C-Course options, combining my interests in early medieval literature, language, poetry, composition, and translation. I am available for both Undergraduate and Masters supervision.

