Luan Staphorst
Thesis title: Between Archive and Afterlife: Translationality, Desire, and |xam Orature in South African Letters
Supervisor: Professor Elleke Boehmer
Doctoral research: This dissertation engages with questions of the desire for and emergence of language in and through literature over time, how this particular desire relates to forging ethical and epistemic relations with the (Animal and non-Animal) Other, and how analysing a Southern literary system could offer an alternative understanding of such a poetics of translationality. The Bleek and Lloyd archive of |xam orature and the various forms of textualisation the archive has experienced over the past century in the South African literary system is the central vehicle through which these questions are explored, but texts from outside this system, notably from the British, Continental European, and Western Classical tradition, are brought into comparative conversation as well.
Funding: This research is funded by the Clarendon Fund, Open-Oxford-Cambridge Arts and Humanities Research Council Doctoral Training Partnership, Lincoln College Kingsgate Fund, and the Oppenheimer Memorial Trust.
Research interests: Southern literature; World literature; Comparative Literature; African literature; South African literature; Orature; Postcolonialism; Decolonialism; Afrikaans; |xam; Khoesan; South African English; Translationality; Mimesis; Textualisation; Poetics; Poetry; Pastoral; Desire; Voice; Archive; Cosmology; Relationality; Animal Studies; Metaethics; Linguistics and Literature; Historical Linguistics; Etymology; Philosophy of Language; Philosophy and Language; Philosophy of Literature; Philosophy and Literature.
Authors and theorists of interest: ||kabbo; Diä!kwain; |hanǂkasso; !kweiten-ta-||ken; Antjie Krog; Stephen Watson; Arthur Markowitz; Eugene Marais; Gideon von Wielligh; Elias Canetti; Thomas Pringle; Olive Schreiner; J.M. Coetzee; Breyten Breytenbach; Laurens van der Post; Athol Fugard; Marlene van Niekerk; Andre Brink; Zoe Wicomb; Chris Barnard; Karel Schoeman; Jolyn Phillips; Sylvia Vollenhoven; Æsop; Theocritus; Willem die Madoc maecte; Geoffrey Chaucer; John Milton; Alexander Pope; Matthew Arnold; Rudyard Kipling; William Cowper; Seamus Heaney; Derek Walcott; Walter Benjamin; Jacques Derrida; Gayatri Spivak; Homi Bhabha; Julia Kristeva; Rita Felski; Giles Deleuze; Samuel Taylor Coleridge; Erich Auerbach; Michael Taussig; René Girard; Nidesh Lawtoo; Wail Hassan; Ngũgĩ wa Thiong’o; Kwasi Wiredu; Achille Mbembe.
Peer reviewed journal articles:
- Staphorst, L. (Forthcoming). Reading between Fire and Ash: reflections on colonial-era African archives in the time of the archival (b/t)urn. International Journal of African Renaissance Studies - Multi-, Inter- and Transdisciplinarity. [Scopus indexed].
- Staphorst, L. (Online First). On the Seeable Limits of Decolonial and Indigenous Scholarship: Conceptualising Ondeursigbaarheid as Critical Analytic Through Reference to the |xam, the Bleek and Lloyd Archive, and Bushman Studies. Critical Arts: South-North Cultural and Media Studies [Web of Science [WoS] and Scopus indexed].
- Staphorst, L. (2024). "Innie Malmesbugy waa os bly": Linguistic citizenship, Arabic-Afrikaans, and the Burr R in Ashwin Arendse's Swatland (2021). Southern African Linguistics and Applied Language Studies 42(S1): S67-S84. [WoS and Scopus indexed]. [Published in Afrikaans].
- Staphorst, L. (2024). English and/in Africa: reflections on the language question, Afropolitanism, and linguistic orientation six decades after the 'African Writers Conference'. Acta Academica: Critical views on society, culture and politics 56(1): 43-61 [Scopus and Directory of Open Access Journals [DOAJ] indexed].
- Staphorst, L. (2024). ‘The language of the eye is not the language of the ear’: English, Translationality, and (Dis)Similarities between Chinua Achebe’s Things Fall Apart and Ngũgĩ wa Thiong’o’s Devil on the Cross. Research in African Literatures 54(2): 58-74. [WoS and Scopus indexed].
- Staphorst, L. (2024). Orange River Afrikaans, an Archaeological Genealogy. Part I: 1595-1916. Stellenbosch Papers in Linguistics Plus 68: 1-23. [Scopus and DOAJ indexed]. [Published in Afrikaans].
- Staphorst, L. (2024). Orange River Afrikaans, an Archaeological Genealogy. Part II: 1917-1979. Stellenbosch Papers in Linguistics Plus 68: 25-44. [Scopus and DOAJ indexed]. [Published in Afrikaans].
- Staphorst, L. (2024). Orange River Afrikaans, an Archaeological Genealogy. Part III: 1980-1998. Stellenbosch Papers in Linguistics Plus 68: 45-63. [Scopus and DOAJ indexed]. [Published in Afrikaans].
- Staphorst, L. (2024). Orange River Afrikaans, an Archaeological Genealogy. Part IV: 1999-2021. Stellenbosch Papers in Linguistics Plus 68: 65-86. [Scopus and DOAJ indexed]. [Published in Afrikaans].
- Staphorst, L. (2023) “Something about this left us uneasy”: the relationship between “unlaagering” and the colonialesque in recent Afrikaans linguistic and literary discourses. LitNet Akademies 20(3): 271-302. [South African Department of Higher Education and Training [DHET] accredited]. [Published in Afrikaans].
- Staphorst, L. (2023). “fokkol graad vi jou nie” (fuck all degree for you): Black Afrikaans Poets, Critical University Studies, and Transcripting the Afrikaans University. Journal of African Cultural Studies 35(1): 22-36. [WoS and Scopus indexed].
- Keet, A., Staphorst, L, Penkler, M. and Phuza, N. (2023). 'Emergencies' and Techno-Rationality: The Tasks of Decentred Critical University Studies. Southern African Review of Education 28(1): 120-134. [DHET accredited]. [Co-lead-author – wrote and formulated 85% of the chapter].
- Fataar, A., Motala, S., Keet, A., Lalu, P., Nuttall, S., Menon, K., and Staphorst, L. (2023). The university in techno-rational times: Critical universities studies, South Africa. Educational Philosophy and Theory 55(7): 835-843. [WoS and Scopus indexed]. [Contributing author – wrote and formulated 20% of the article].
- Staphorst, L. (2023). On the trail of presumed plagiarism: holographic archaeology, GR von Wielligh, and the Bleek and Lloyd archive. Tydskrif vir Geesteswetenskappe 63(3): 475-480. [WoS and Scopus indexed]. [Published in Afrikaans].
- Staphorst, L. (2023). “the veiled depth”: GR von Wielligh’s complex Afrikaans recordings of late 19th century |xam culture. South African Journal of Cultural History | Suid-Afrikaanse Tydskrif vir Kultuurgeskiedenis 37(1): 1-22. [DHET accredited]. [Published in Afrikaans].
- Staphorst, L. (2022). “van die oorspronklike lippe” (from the original lips): the 19th Century Cape Colony, holographic archaeology, and the historicity of Gideon von Wielligh’s |xam-Afrikaans collection. Journal of Southern African Studies 48(6): 993-1011. [WoS and Scopus indexed].
- Staphorst, L. (2021). Premonitions, Interpretations, and Explanations: reception of a 19th Century |xam kum. Tydskrif vir Letterkunde 58(2): 103-117. [WoS and Scopus indexed]. [Published in Afrikaans].
- Staphorst, L. (2021). |hu|huŋaŋ |ne e: ǂkakǝn au hi |enni |emm (Europeans are those who talk with the tip of their tongue): Colonialesque Knowledge, Attuned Thinking and the Bloody Body of Scholarship known as Bushman studies. Southern African Humanities 34: 59-82. [WoS and Scopus indexed].
- Staphorst, L. (2020). “… the broken Dutch they understood and spoke …”: The ǀxam-Bushmen, the Bleek and Lloyd archive, and the history of the Afrikaans language. Tydskrif vir Nederlands en Afrikaans 27(2): 3-30. [DHET accredited]. [Published in Afrikaans].
- Staphorst, L. (2019). Owning the Body, Embodying the Owner: Complexity and Discourses of Rights, Citizenship and Heritage of Southern African Bushmen. Critical Arts: South-North Cultural and Media Studies 33(4-5): 104-119. [WoS and Scopus indexed]. Article reprinted in: Tomaselli, K. & Grant, J. (eds). (2023). Rethinking Khoe and San Indigeneity, Language and Culture in Southern Africa. London: Routledge.
Peer reviewed book chapters:
- Staphorst, L. (Forthcoming). "the book is our pass": reading university poetics, literary studies, and the question of epistemic legacies through South Africa's Broederbond university. In: The University and Literature and Literature in the University. Eds. P. Coetzee & J. du Preez. Gqeberha: Nelson Mandela University Press.
- Staphorst, L. (Forthcoming). I Write What I Must: Autoethnography, Colonial Scripts, and Wegskrywing in the South African University. In: Making Visible the Invisible: Institutional Cultures in South African Higher Education. Eds. C. van der Westhuizen, N. Mkhize, B. Magoqwana, Q. Maqabuka & G. Holtzman. Stellenbosch: SUN Press.
- Staphorst, L. and Keet, A. (2024). Contested Criticality: An Intellectual Historiography of Critical University Studies. In: Advancing Critical University Studies. Eds. D. Belluigi & A. Keet. Stellenbosch: SUN Press: 2-21. [Lead-author – wrote and formulated 90% of the chapter].
- Keet, A., Chauke, T., Staphorst, L., Hamukuaya, H., & Honeycomb, N. (2024). Critique and Disputations: Human Rights, Africanisation, Decolonisation, and the Project of (De)Centred Critical University Studies. In: Emancipatory Human Rights and the University: Promoting Social Justice in Higher Education. Eds. F. Tibbitts & A. Keet. London: Routledge: 31-51. [Contributing author – wrote and formulated 15% of the chapter].
- Keet, A., Penkler, M. A., Staphorst, L, and Rafaely, D. (2024). Plastic Refusals: The Africanisation Challenge of South African Higher Education. In: Working with Theories of Refusal and Decolonization in Higher Education. Eds. P. Mikulan & M. Zembylas. London: Routledge: 124-142. [Contributing author – wrote and formulated 20% of the chapter].
- Staphorst, L. (2023). “No More Space”: The University in the Short Stories of Marlene van Niekerk. In: Marlene van Niekerk: Die tempteerbare oog. ’n Huldiging. Ed. M. Crous. Cape Town: Naledi: 246-285. [Published in Afrikaans]. [Invited].
- Staphorst, L. (2021). To tongue the body | to body the tongue: problematizing translation of African oral traditions. In: Palgrave Handbook of African Oral Traditions and Folklore. Eds A. Akinyemi & T. Falola. New York: Palgrave Macmillan: 551-573. [Invited].
Other academic publications:
- Staphorst, L. (2024). On Breyten Breytenbach's Legacy at Oxford. LitNet, 18 December. [Essay published in Afrikaans as: Op Breyten Breytenbach se nalatenskap in Oxford.]
- Staphorst, L. (2024). Review: Breyvier: Over taal, burgerschap en Breytenbach, by Yves T'Sjoen. Tydskrif vir Nederlands en Afrikaans . [Review published in Afrikaans; DHET Accredited].
- Staphorst, L. (2024 [Online First]). Book review: Hunger for the Light: The Challenges of an African Life, by Rosemary Alice Gray. English Academy Review: A Journal of English Studies. [Scopus indexed].
- Staphorst, L. (2024). Seen elsewhere: A shared language in the unknown. LitNet, 14 May. [Photo essay published in Afrikaans as: Elders gesien: 'n Gedeelde tongval in die vreemde.]
- Staphorst, L. and Boehmer, E. (2024). On postcolonialism and the neerlandophone: an interview. Voertaal, 9 April.
- Staphorst, L. (2023). Kleinboet Staphorst answers Cicero. LitNet, 29 November. [Rebuttal to critiques of my LitNet Akademies article published in Afrikaans in October 2023].
- Staphorst, L. (2023). Book review: Can Themba: The Making and Breaking of the Intellectual Tsotsi, a Biography. Tydskrif vir Letterkunde 60(1): 59-61. [WoS and Scopus indexed].
- Staphorst, L. (2023). Book review essay: Karoo Cosmos: |xam-ka !au and the |xam. Visual Anthropology 36(1): 80-86. [WoS and Scopus indexed].
- Staphorst, L. (2022). Antjie Somers, meat eaters, and the question of complex reading: a response to Chan Croeser and Jacomien van Niekerk’s essays in the children and youth book seminar series. LitNet. [Essay published in Afrikaans].
- Staphorst, L. (2021). Book review: The Tough Alchemy of Ben Okri, by Rosemary Alice Gray. English Academy Review: A Journal of English Studies 38(1): 93-96. [Scopus indexed].
- Keet, A., Staphorst, L., & Hamukuaya, H. (2021). Advancing Critical University Studies: a report on the fields of Critical University Studies in relation to Higher Education Studies and Higher Education Transformation Studies. CriSHET.
- Staphorst, L. (2020). ‘An African Elegy’ – Ben Okri: a brief analysis. Teaching English Today 10: 1-4.
- Staphorst, L. (2020). Book report: Decolonisation in Universities: The Politics of Knowledge by Jonathan D. Jansen (ed.). Educational Research for Social Change 9(1): 92-94. [Scopus indexed].
Creative writing and translation:
- Boehmer, E. [Trans. L. Staphorst]. (Forthcoming). Na die vulkaan en ander verhale. Cape Town: Karavan Press. [Short story collection [To the volcano] translated from English into Afrikaans].
- Kirsch, O. [Trans. L. Staphorst]. (2024). Nietemin. Versindaba. [Epic poem translated from English into Afrikaans].
- Rilke, R.M. [Trans. L. Staphorst]. (2022). Perels ontstring. [Poem translated from German into Afrikaans].
- Rilke, R.M. [Trans. L. Staphorst]. (2022). Onwetend voor die hemel. [Poem translated from German into Afrikaans].
- Butler, G. [Trans. L. Staphorst]. (2022). Karoodorp. [Poem translated from English into Afrikaans].
- Staphorst, L. (2020). Assemblancing water. In: The Tributaries Project Catalogue. Ed. A. Hurst. Port Elizabeth: NMU: 191-198. [Ekphrastic poetry series].
- Staphorst, L. (2018). [hier is ons]. Amazwi 1: 3-5. [Trilingual poem; self-translated from Afrikaans to English].
- Staphorst, L. (2016). hier, die land | here, this land. LitNet. [Self-translated bilingual poem].
- Staphorst, L. (2016). feng shui. LitNet. [Self-translated bilingual poem].
- Staphorst, L. (2016). digter wordende | nearer becoming. LitNet. [Self-translated bilingual poem].
Peer reviewing:
- Critical Arts: South-North Cultural and Media Studies. [WoS and Scopus indexed; Q1 Cultural studies].
- Southern African Linguistics and Applied Language Studies. [WoS and Scopus indexed; Q2 Linguistics].
- Tydskrif vir Letterkunde: 'n tydskrif vir afrika-letterkunde | a journal for african literature. [WoS, Scopus and DOAJ indexed; Q1 Literature and Literary Theory].
- African Historical Review. [Scopus indexed; Q3 History; Q3 Cultural studies].
- English Academy Review: A Journal of English Studies. [Scopus indexed; Q1 Literature and Literary Theory].
- International Journal of African Renaissance Studies - Multi, Inter and Transdisciplinarity. [Scopus indexed; Q2 History; Q2 Literature and Literary Theory].
- Journal of Intercultural Studies. [Scopus indexed; Q1 Cultural studies; Q1 History].
- Imbizo: International Journal of African Literary and Comparative Studies. [DHET accredited].
- LitNet Akademies. [DHET accredited].
- South African Journal of Cultural History | Suid-Afrikaanse Tydskrif vir Kultuurgeskiedenis. [DHET accredited].
- Southern African Journal for Folklore Studies. [DHET accredited].
- Stilet: Tydskrif van die Afrikaanse Letterkundevereniging [Journal of the Afrikaans Literature Association]. [DHET accredited].
- JULACE: Journal of the University of Namibia Language Centre.
- Oxford Research in English.
Paper presentations (international):
- Storying Contiguity: |xam poetics of the animal and questions of reading – Global Fables, Online, September 2024.
- |hu|huŋaŋ |ne e: ǂkakǝn au hi |enni |emm: on colonial Khoesan linguistics, animal speech, and a Southern articulation of ethical languaging practices – Speaking from the South, Adelaide, Australia, May-June 2024.
- Onoorganklik [Intransitive]: Onomastics, Apartheid Linguistics, and the Dearth of Critical Afrikaans Scholarship – Transitions, Société Canadienne D’onomastique / Canadian Society for the Study of Names Congress, Online, May 2022.
- Barakat, Koe(k)sisters, and the Bo-Kaap: discourses of Afrikaans, food, and power in relation to the Cape Malay community in South Africa – Asian Food and Power International Workshop, Charles University, Online, December 2021.
- The Translation-Machine of the Bleek and Lloyd Archive – American Comparative Literature Association Annual Meeting, Chicago, USA, March 2020. [Cancelled due to COVID-19].
- Between Labour, Land and a Lost Language: the slipperiness of indigenous rights for South Africa’s Karretjiemense – Global Minority Rights Summer School, National University of Public Service & Tom Lantos Institute, Hungary, July 2019.
- Toppling Translation: Omdigting as strategy to Move the Margin with-in the Post-Colony – Translation beyond the Margins, 10th International Translation Conference, Hamad Bin Khalifa University, Qatar, March 2019.
- Owning the Body, Embodying the Owner: Complexity and Discourses of Rights, Citizenship and Heritage of Southern African San-Bushmen – Critical Perspectives on Human Rights, City College New York, USA, March 2019.
- Writing a Life Queered in Africa: Notes on Reading Poetry from African Writers as Phenomenological Knowledge - Intersecting Africa, Sexuality and Religion Conference, University of Ghana, September 2018.
- Sp(l)itting on the Tongue: to-words a just translation of Indigenous African Oral Traditions – Territories in Dispute: 9th Multidisciplinary Conference on Indigenous Peoples, Universiteit Roosevelt, Middelburg, The Netherlands, May 2018.
Paper presentations (national - South Africa):
- “And, naturally, Kaaps is Afrikaans”. Emergent Ethno-Linguistic Nationalism, Kaaps Afrikaans, and ‘Colouredness’ in South Africa - 3rd Kaaps Symposium, University of the Western Cape, August 2024.
- The Karoo as universe: on field-thinking, |xam-Afrikaans and the Bushman-university – Etienne van Heerden Veldsoirée, Cradock, September 2023. [Invited].
- On Afrikaans’s literary henceforth: between decadence and decolonisation – Afrikaans Literature Association Congress, Gqeberha, August 2023.
- “Innie Malmesbuġy waa ôs bly”: Linguistic Citizenship, Arabic-Afrikaans, and the Burr R in Ashwin Arendse’s Swatland (2021) – Afrikaans Literature Association Congress, Gqeberha, August 2023.
- “she is the last one my lord”: belonging, authenticity and textuality in Jolyn Phillips’ Bientang (2020) – Afrikaans Literature Association Congress, Online, September 2021.
- The wound says it to me: the moral worldview of the |xam as eco-moral phenomenology – South African Academy for Science and Art Student Symposium, Online, October 2020.
- “Many tongues”: self-translation as relation of the self in Antjie Krog’s Lady Anne: A Chronicle in Verse (2017) – Afrikaans Literature Association Congress, Stellenbosch University, September 2018.
- On the genealogy of Afrikaans: rethinking an indigisteme through retranslations of |Xam kukummi - Rethinking KhoeSan Indigeneity, Language and Culture Conference, University of Johannesburg, August 2018.
- An Emboddied Tongue: Omdigting and Translation – Post-Graduate Conference on Literature, Creative Writing, Media and Culture, University of the Western Cape, Cape Town, May 2018.
- Lady, Madam or Antie: Antjie Krog and Auto-Translation as Identity-Negotiation – Multilingualism and New Linguistic Identities, Nelson Mandela University, Port Elizabeth, August 2017.
- The Colour-ed Voice: Afrikaans and the Discourse on More-Languagedness – Conference of the Language Associations of Southern Africa, Rhodes University, June 2017.
Seminars and forums:
- “She muttered in broken Dutch": Language, voice, and relationality in Olive Schreiner’s The Story of an African Farm (1883) - Nineteenth-Century Graduate Forum, University of Oxford Faculty of English Language and Literature, February 2025.
- “People of the Ancient [Race]”: Victorian Sensibilities, the Geschlecht Complex, and Racialised Thinking through the English Translations of |xam Folklore in the Bleek and Lloyd Archive - Nineteenth-Century Graduate Forum, University of Oxford Faculty of English Language and Literature, November 2024.
- “Stories that float from afar”: the Bleek and Lloyd archive, the |xam-Bushmen, and the transformation of South African studies – Department of Afrikaans and Netherlandic Studies Seminar Series, University of the Western Cape, October 2021. [Invited seminar].
- Water-y Likeness: the uncommon archetype in poetry and song – SARChI Chair in Identities and Social Cohesion in Africa Tributaries Project Seminar Series, Nelson Mandela University, May and October 2019. [The popularity of the seminar led to it being presented twice – the only seminar in the series to have done so].
- Ongehoord: Voices Unaccented, Voices Unharmonized. Language and Southern Africa’s First Peoples in Discourses of Higher Education Transformation – Department of Linguistics and Applied Language Studies Seminar Series, Nelson Mandela University, August 2019.
- Translation and the Post-Colonial – Department of Linguistics and Applied Language Studies Seminar Series, Nelson Mandela University, April 2018.
Guest lectures:
- Linguistic Citizenship, Literature, and New Approaches to Reading – BA Honours in Linguistics Seminar, Department of Afrikaans and Dutch, Stellenbosch University, October 2023.
- Poetry and the Image as Ekphrasis – 3rd Year Creative Writing, Nelson Mandela University, April 2019.
- Social consciousness in post-modern film – 3rd Year Film Studies, Nelson Mandela University, March 2018.
- Scriptwriting and the post-colonial gaze – 3rd Year Scriptwriting, Nelson Mandela University, March 2018.
- Ecological philosophy and post-modern Afrikaans poetry – 1st Year Afrikaans Literary Studies, Nelson Mandela University, February 2018.
- Political consciousness, memory and post-modern Afrikaans prose –1st Year Afrikaans Literary Studies, Nelson Mandela University, August 2017.
- Social consciousness and post-modern film – 3rd Year Film Studies, Nelson Mandela University, March 2017.
- Scriptwriting and the post-colonial gaze –3rd Year Scriptwriting, Nelson Mandela University, March 2017.
Other academic qualifications:
MSc (African Studies), Distinction, University of Oxford, 2022.
MA (Linguistics) [Research Degree], Cum Laude, Nelson Mandela University, 2022.
MA (Philosophy) [Research Degree], Cum Laude, University of the Western Cape, 2021.
BA Honours (Linguistics), Cum Laude, Nelson Mandela University, 2018.
BA Honours (Literature), Cum Laude, Nelson Mandela University, 2018.
BA (Liberal Arts), Cum Laude, Nelson Mandela University, 2017.
Academic awards and achievements:
- Clarendon Scholarship, University of Oxford. 2023-2026.
- Oppenheimer Memorial Trust International Doctoral Scholarship. 2023-2026.
- Open-Oxford-Cambridge (OOC) Arts and Humanities Research Council (AHRC) Doctoral Training Partnership (DTP) Studentship, University of Oxford. 2023-2026.
- Lincoln College Kingsgate Scholarship, University of Oxford. 2023-2026.
- MacCracken Fellowship, New York University. 2023. [Declined].
- Smuts Cambridge International Scholarship, University of Cambridge. 2023. [Declined].
- Peterhouse Postgraduate Studentship Reservist, University of Cambridge. 2023.
- Gates Cambridge Scholarship Finalist, University of Cambridge. 2023.
- Kirk-Greene Prize for the Best Overall Performance, Oxford MSc in African Studies. 2022.
- Vice-Chancellor’s Award for Best Postgraduate Achievement (Social Sciences and Humanities), Nelson Mandela University. 2022.
- NMU Council Award for Best Masters by Dissertation (Social Sciences and Humanities), Nelson Mandela University. 2022.
- Dean’s List, Faculty of Arts, University of the Western Cape. 2021.
- Mandela Rhodes Scholarship. 2020-2021.
- Best Paper, South African Academy for Science and Art Student Symposium. 2020.
- Abe Bailey Fellowship. 2019.
- Rupert Family Trust Award for Best Honours Graduate (Social Sciences and Humanities), Nelson Mandela University. 2019.
- South African National Department of Arts and Culture Scholarship. 2017, 2018, 2019.
- Rhodes Scholarship (SA-at-Large) Finalist. 2018.
- UWC Centre for Multilingualism and Diversities Research Scholarship. 2018.
- South African Academy for Science and Art Scholarship. 2018.
- Afrikaans Language and Culture Society [ATKV] Postgraduate Scholarship. 2018.
- Cape Foundation Scholarship. 2018.
- Ernst and Ethel Eriksen Trust Scholarship. 2018.
- NMU Postgraduate Research Scholarship. 2017.
- Southern African Society for Netherlandic Studies Scholarship. 2015, 2016, 2017.
- Nelson Mandela University Scholar Merit Award. 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017.
- ATKV Undergraduate Scholarship. 2015.
- Derek Gray Memorial Award. 33rd International Eskom Expo for Young Scientists. 2013. With this award I delivered a paper at the Stockholm International Youth Science Seminar, and I was the official representative of the African continent at Nobel Week.
Scholarly society membership:
- English Academy of Southern Africa. Since 2021.
- Literature Association of South Africa. Since 2021.
- Southern African Linguistics and Applied Linguistics Society. Since 2021.
- Southern African Society for Netherlandic Studies. Since 2021.
- South African Society for Cultural History | Suid-Afrikaanse Vereniging vir Kultuurgeskiedenis. Since 2024.
Academic profiles: