Thesis Title: Compositional Techniques in Old English Poetry
Supervisor: Professor Andy Orchard and Professor Francis Leneghan
My investigations into the composition of Old English poetry - primarily hagiographic verse - involve a combination of close reading, corpus analysis, source criticism, and comparison with analogous techniques in Anglo-Latin verse. In doing so, I identify, analyse, and suggest explanations or productive interpretations of intertextuality such as verbal paralleling, patterning, borrowing, and allusion in Old English poetry.
I am a Lecturer II at Magdalen College ( and Stipendiary Lecturer at St Anne's College (, having previously been a College Lecturer at Keble College. I was a Research Assistant as part of the CLASP project ( I have previously conducted Old English workshops in the English Faculty, taught Visiting Students, and chaired the Old English Graduate Reading Group. I also managed lectures and seminars for Oxford Medieval Studies in my role as Events Coordinator (
I am funded by the AHRC (Open-Oxford-Cambridge DTP) and the John Henry Jones Scholarship:
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