Writing War

Battle of Germany
The Writing War research cluster brings together academics from across the English Faculty and acts as a point of contact for those outside it. Our wide-ranging research interests encompass topics from medieval battle poetry to Holocaust life-writing, from literary accounts of the English Civil Wars to bilingual poems about 21st-century Iraq and Afghanistan. We explore the intersection of war with literature in a variety of areas: language, genre, gender, editing, life-writing, travel-writing, digitisation, commemoration, journalism, visual representation, religion and literary theory. Members of the cluster have produced blogs, award-winning memoirs, online archives, international seminar series, academic monographs and journalism.
Get in touch: kate.mcloughlin@ell.ox.ac.uk.
Research Projects
Post-war: Commemoration, Reconstruction, Reconciliation
Research in other Faculties

'Over The Top'. 1st Artists' Rifles at Marcoing, 30th December 1917

'The Menin Road'

The Mule Track