Professor Ushashi Dasgupta Associate Professor; Jonathan and Julia Aisbitt Fellow and Tutor in English Pembroke College
Professor Robert Douglas-Fairhurst Professor of English Literature; Tutorial Fellow, Magdalen College
Professor David Dwan Professor of English Literature and Intellectual History; Tutorial Fellow, Hertford College
Professor Stefano Evangelista Professor of English and Comparative Literature Tutorial Fellow, Trinity College
Professor Freya Johnston Professor of English Literature Hazel Eardley Wilmot Tutorial Fellow, St Anne's College
Professor Fergus McGhee Associate Professor of English Literature; Fellow and Tutor, Corpus Christi College
Professor Michèle Mendelssohn Professor of English and American Literature Tutorial Fellow, Mansfield College
Professor Lynda Mugglestone Professor of the History of English; Tutorial Fellow, Pembroke College Pembroke College
Professor Ankhi Mukherjee Professor of English and World Literatures; Tutorial Fellow, Wadham College
Professor Anna Nickerson Associate Professor; Christopher Tower Student and Tutor in Poetry in the English Language Christ Church
Professor Matthew Reynolds Professor of English and Comparative Criticism; Tutorial Fellow, St Anne's College
Professor Kirsten E Shepherd-Barr Professor of English and Theatre Studies; Tutorial Fellow, St Catherine's